Senior Aggie Leadership Council of Austin By-Laws
(Amended, 1-23-25)
The Aggie Senior Leadership Council exists:
- To provide an effective forum for the promotion of fellowship and the exchange of ideas among senior Aggie executives and leaders.
- To promote the interests of Texas A&M in the Capital City.
- To share business experiences that serve to enhance business development within the membership.
- To experience personal growth through interdependent relationships.
- To examine common issues affecting senior managers.
- To add value to the Capital City A&M Club as a resource.
Qualifications for Membership
It is required that applicants be:
- Be a graduate of Texas A&M University.
- Be a member of the Capital City A&M Club and the Association of Former Students in good standing.
- Be actively engaged in a business or profession.
- Hold a senior position as:
1. A CEO or Owner of a business.
2. An executive in either a profit or not-for-profit organization.
3. A recognized sole proprietor or consultant with significant responsibility.
It is desired that applicants have:
- A minimum of twenty years of post-graduate business or professional experience.
- Made other significant leadership contributions.
Requirements of Members
- A member may not directly prospect or solicit business from the other members.
- A member must be an example of integrity in his or her profession.
- A member must continue to meet the qualifications for membership according to his/her “class of membership.”
- A member must stay current in paying dues.
Classes of Members
Regular member – An individual who meets the above stated “Qualifications for Membership” will be defined as a Regular member and may continue his/her membership in the Council as long as he/she meets both the qualifications and requirements for membership. The Board of Directors approves individuals for membership. A waiver on any of the requirements for membership will be given rarely and only in the case of both exceptional and lengthy service to the Council or the Capital City A & M Club.
Emeritus member – A member who has honorably retired from the active leadership role which had qualified him/her for membership in the Council will be designated as an Emeritus member. This member, at his/her option, may continue after retirement to participate in the Council. Emeritus members will pay the current dues.
Honorary member – A member who has honorably retired from an active leadership role in the Senior Aggie Leadership Council, and which shall be determined from time to time by the board. This member, at his/her option, may continue after retirement to participate in the Council and will pay no dues. At this time there is one honorary member, Norman York ‘57
Presidents of the Capital City A & M Club (CCAMC) – The President and Former Presidents of CCAMC are invited to participate as members of the Council for a period of four years from the date of their election as President of the CCAMC. All Former Presidents of the CCAMC are encouraged to apply for Regular membership if they meet the “Qualifications for Membership.” The President and Former Presidents of the CCAMC will pay 50% of the current dues when covered under this membership classification.
Meeting Times and Places
Meetings of the Council will be a breakfast to be held bi-monthly on the second Tuesday in odd-numbered months from 7:30 until 9:00 a.m. at a place to be designated by the Board of Directors.
Meeting Format
The format of meetings is to be either a program promoting the purposes of the Council, or an informal discussion that allows members to develop relationships that will enhance the stated purpose of the group.
Expansion of Membership
Persons seeking membership on the Council may do so by contacting either the Membership Chairman or a Director, who will provide an application form and determine the individual’s qualifications before submitting the application to the Board for ratification. The Membership Chairman or sponsoring Director will encourage and monitor the new member’s attendance. Interested persons may contact either the Membership Chairman or a Director who will arrange for the person’s attendance as a guest prior to submitting the application, if desired.
Dues will be assessed for each member annually in an amount determined by the Board to defray the cost of the breakfast meetings and the meal cost of guest speakers and related materials, e.g., name tags, etc. Guests will be charged a standard meal fee set periodically by the Board. Annually, the Board may donate Council funds that are surplus to the expenses of meeting to support activities of Texas A & M University.
Board of Directors
The Council is governed by the Board of Directors which is responsible for selecting, rejecting or dismissing members; carrying out the provisions of the by-laws; and, promulgating and implementing such policies as it deems reasonable and necessary to accomplish the purposes and goals of the Council. The Board will review these by-laws annually to make and implement modifications as required.
Membership and Terms of the Board of Directors
The membership term of the nine regular members of the Board of Directors is for three years, to be staggered by random selection that serves to ensure continuity of leadership. The tenth member is the President of the Capital City A&M Club, who serves during his or her one-year presidency. The eleventh member is the outgoing CCAMC President who will serve one more year as President of the Capital City A&M Foundation. There shall be an election of board members each year at the January meeting.
The current board is composed of:
Larry Bloomquist ’79. Chair. Term expires January 31, 2026
Joe Langford ‘85. Treasurer. Term expires January 31, 2026
James Wendlandt ’80, Term expires January 31, 2026
Stephen Mason ’99. Term expires: January 31, 2026
Wayne Prescott ’69. Term expires January 31, 2027
Scott Smith ‘93. Term expires: January 31, 2027
Larry Warnock ‘83. Term expires: January 31, 2027
Carol Saxenian ’86, Membership Director. Term expires January 31, 2028
Robert Hites ‘16. Term expires January 31, 2028
Cody Williams ’10. (President of the Capital City A&M Club) Term expires: January 31, 2026
Logan Harrell ’14. (President of the Capital City A&M Foundation) Term expires: January 31, 2026
Membership and Terms of Officers
There shall be two officers, a chairman and a treasurer. Each officer shall serve a one year term of office with elections to be held each year at the January meeting. The chair may appoint other officers from time to time to serve at the pleasure of the chair. Suggestions for such officers include, but are not limited to, membership, programs and arrangements.
Use of the Membership List
The Chair may share the list if in his judgment it is to be used to further the interests of Texas A&M, and, the requester makes written certification that the list will not be used for any purposes unrelated to the direct, and non-commercial interests of Texas A&M.